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161 Fire

#1 - Michael Nowacki
#2 - Clark Lewandowski
#3 - Shepard Anderson
#4 - Jason Templeton
#5 - Josh Tubbs
#6 - Declan Simkowski
#8 - Matthew Wagner
#9 - Vance Ferry
#10 - William Hoffman
#11 - Kaleb Fisher
#12 - Will Kimmel
#13 - Asher Ludwig
Head Coach:
Chris Kahler

Coaching Philosophy:
Crucial to the success of an athlete is becoming a well-rounded player. Taking the time to understand your own position and your teammates positions in addition to working on skillsets you already have and those you don’t will aid in this success. I value communication, both on the court and off the court! If you are going to be late, shoot me a text or let me know in advance. It’s not an excuse, it’s a valid reason unless it becomes obsessive. I’m going to push you. To become a top-level team, ‘extra’ is the expectation. Giving your best every day will set you up for success.

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